1. Total temporary staffing service business
    • Outsourcing staffing service,Recruiting staffing service
      Worker dispatch business Ha40-300092 <approved by Labor and Welfare Minister>
      A Fee Charging recruitment agency 40-Yu-300058 <approved by Labor and Welfare Minister>
    • Utilizing Human Resource consultant
  2. Education and Training Business, Workshop


Philosophy of Our Company “ Prosperous Coexistence”
We have been utilized by meeting people and what we are now.
We advance toward the future.
People are supported by people and business is also supported by people pleased with our effort and help, which makes our existence.

Greetings from CEO

CEO Yuriko SatoWe are very happy that you are visiting our website!

To provide women empowerment are an emergency issue for this increasingly distinct division between rich and poor in Japan.  We, Career-Lead has over 6000 people registered for employment, 90% of which are women.

Because Life- stage of women has been massively changing with the change of times, we have supported women to expand their possibilities for their education and environment without any limitation. It is our mission to provide and provide works for women. We have been striving for our community.

CEO Ms, Sato started the business to support finding jobs for mothers in fatherless-family, who were vulnerable people in the harshest situation because of poor.
Although more than 80% of mothers in fatherless family have jobs, their situation is very hard. They have to not only raise children and do households and work but have more than double or triple jobs. Though Japan has the longest life expectancies in the world, there is a data that life expectancies of mothers who support their fatherless family have rather short. We are continuing to support mothers in such hard conditions and have them believe they could keep working in the area or a country. All the staff as well as CEO supported by all the people we met last 15 years are keeping the challenge to improve their quality of life.

We will meet as many women as possible to have them connect to business and help them have strength stand by their own and try to widen the circle of thankfulness.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone who has read our website.

My Gratitude,
CEO Yuriko Sato